- B M P 2 G I F   H E L P -

bmp2gif accepts a wide range of parameters in both CGI and Command Line mode. Both tags and switches are case unsensitive.

HTML Tag Cmd Line Switch Description
bmpFile=file.bmp¹ -F:file.bmp¹ Full name of .bmp¹ source file
ColorReduction=256 -R:256 Possible values:
None No color reduction
Mono Monochrome
WGray Windows' 4 grayscale colors
Gray 256 shades of gray
W20 Windows' 20 color system palette
WQuan Windows' 256 color palette
Netscape Netscape's 216 color palette
256 Optimized 256 color palette
128 Optimized 128 color palette
64 Optimized 64 color palette
32 Optimized 32 color palette
16 Optimized 16 color palette
8 Optimized 8 color palette
Compression=LZW -Z Forces LZW compression, by default RLE is used.
Dithering=Floyd -D:Floyd Possible values:
Nearest Nearest color no error diffusion
Floyd Floyd-Steinberg method
Burke Burke method
JaJuNi Jarvis, Judice & Ninke method
Sierra Sierra method
Stuki Stuki method
SteveArch Stevenson & Arche
Disposal Method for animated GIFs, values are:
none, leave, background, previous
Coma delimited to set individual frames.
Frame delay in milliseconds (Animated GIF)
Coma delimited to set individual frames.
FList:file.bmp¹,.. -FList:file.bmp¹,.. Enables batch processing by specifying several source files coma separated. ie:




Where file.txt is a file holding the list of bitmap source filenames one per line. ie:

Frames=file.bmp¹,.. -Frames:file.bmp¹,.. Specify several source files coma separated to be used for each frame in an animated GIF. ie:




Where file.txt is a file holding the list of bitmap source filenames one per line. ie:


Note: it is possible to specify a delay and a disposal for each frame by using the <FD=XXX> and the <DISP=XXXX> tag at the end of a filename. When not present the default value is used. ie:

Height=100 -H:100 Specifies the new height of the image. If the new width is not specified the width will be adjusted proportionaly to the new height to preserve the same aspect ratio.

Note: specifying a value between 0 and 1 is interpreted as a percentage of the original size and both height and width will be adjusted. ie:

-h:0.25  = 25%
-h:0.75  = 75%
Interlaced=True -I Creates an interlaced image. Default is false.
Log=True -Log Allows the creation of a log file during execution for debugging.
Loops=0 -L:0 Specifies the number of loops for an animation. 0 means foreever.
TargetPath=path -P:path Specifies the new path for the output file. If not specified the output file is created in the same directory as the source file with the .gif extension.

Note: when converting a single source file you can specify the full path and name of the GIF image file. (see demo.bat)

Transparent= True -T Sets the transparency the default is False;
TransparentColor=FFFFFF -C:FFFFFF Sets the value of the transparent color if the transparency is set to true. The value is a RGB value like in HTML tags:

FF0000 = Red
00FF00 = Lime
0000FF = Blue
UseIni=True -U Enables the use of bmp2gif.ini where default values can be set. This techniques simpligies greatly the HTML tag or Command Line paramters ie:

bmp2gif -u
Width=100 -W:100 Specifies the new width of the image. If the new height is not specified the height will be adjusted proportionaly to the new width to preserve the same aspect ratio.

Note: specifying a value between 0 and 1 is interpreted as a percentage of the original size and both height and width will be adjusted. ie:

-w:0.25  = 25%
-w:0.75  = 75%
Caption=text -CP:text Prints a caption/copyright notice at bottom of image
CaptionAlign=left -CPAL:left Captionalignment: left (default), right, center.
CaptionFramed=True -CPFRAMED Draws a frame around the caption, default is False.
CaptionFont=FontName -CPFT:FontName Font Name to be used for the caption, default is Arial.
CaptionSize=XX -CPSIZE:XX Font Size to be used for the caption, default is 10.
CaptionColor=FFFFFF -CPCOL:FFFFFF Color to be used for the caption in RGB values, default is black.
CaptionBgColor=FFFFFF -CPBG:FFFFFF Background color to be used for the caption in RGB value, default is white. Use -1 for a transparent background.

¹ Acceptable extensions are: bmp,dib,jif,jpeg,jpg,pbm,pcx,pgm,png,ppm,rle,tga,tif,tiff.

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