bmp2gif CGI
bmp2gif converts any bitmap to GIF as a CGI or from the command line. bmp2gif supports multiple dithering methods and provides total control over colors and palettes.
bmp2jpg CGI
bmp2jpg converts any bitmap to JPEG as a CGI or from the command line. bmp2jpg supports multiple formats for both input (bmp, dib, jif, jpeg, jpg, pbm, pcx, pgm, png, ppm, rle, tga, tif, tiff) and output (bmp, jpg, png, tif).
button creates GIF button images as a CGI or from the command line. button comes with multiples styles and fills and allows users to create their own. Change all the buttons on your web site in just seconds.
counter is a CGI counter which provides statistics, supports multiple pages and has a highly customizable interface.