Gave it
"AllCalc is the successor to the popular TinyCalc shareware calculator. Just like its older brother, AllCalc can be launched from your system tray, stay on top of your desktop, and be displayed in three sizes (none of which will take up desktop space -- plus you can hide its buttons to make it even smaller). However, AllCalc adds several new features, including an automatic currency update, an editable tape, new keyboard shortcuts, and three new modes: Binary, Octal, and Hex. It still offers currency and unit conversion and a financial mode. You can change its display colors, select from floating or fixed decimals, and choose the thousands separator. AllCalc is small in size but big on features. If you're looking for something a little beefier than the Calculator applet that comes with Windows, it's well worth the download."
AllCalc Feature List:
Tape Mode
with time stamp, copy, erase, Edit
Currency conversion
Change base values yourself or
download the new rates from this site available daily
Automatically update new rates via the net.
Supports the EURO and more currencies (36).
Conversion mode Metric - Imperial
Areas, Distances, Masses, Temperatures,
Volumes & Liquids
Financial mode
Payment, Interest, Periods, Present & Future Values,
Principal Portion, Accumulated Interest, Principal Balance
Binary mode
Binary, Octal, Decimal, Hexadecimal arithmetic
Stays on top of your document
Hide the buttons to see more
Copy & paste
Thousand separator
Floating or fixed decimals
Change display colors
3 Sizes to choose from
Tiny, Tinier, Tiniest
Always available through Windows 95 tray
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Yes! I want it now...
Just the currency update